Topics of interest
We accept submission in all topics related to cognitive science including (but not limited to):
4E cognition – artificial intelligence and cognition – cognitive architecture – cognitive modeling – cognitive neuroscience – cognitive psychology – cognitive robotics – computational linguistics – deep neural models – developmental science – embodied and grounded cognition – epistemology – ethics of artificial intelligence and robotics – history of cognitive science – natural and artificial consciousness – neuroethics – neurolinguistics – philosophy of biology – philosophy of cognitive science – philosophy of language – philosophy of mind – philosophy of neuroscience – philosophy of health and medicine – philosophy of technology – psycholinguistics – social cognition
We welcome presentations on the state of the art and on ongoing research, as well as presentations on perspectives that encourage interdisciplinary dialogue among the various subdisciplines of cognitive science.
We cordially invite researchers to submit papers or proposals for symposia through CMT:
(Please note that you must have a valid CMT account to enter the conference. Click here to see how to create one).
Paper submission requires a short abstract of no more than 50 words (to be directly added in the submission page) and a long one of no more than 500 words. Paper presentations are allocated 20-minute sessions.
Symposia submission requires a short description of no more than 50 words (to be directly added in the submission page) and a detailed one (to be uploaded as a pdf file) that should include:
- a description of the proposed symposium of no more than 1000 words;
- a list of the participants;
- symposia last a session of 4 talks and should be planned so that attendees can move across parallel sessions.
Abstracts and symposia description should be in English.
Program Committee
Giulia Andrighetto, Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, CNR, Rome
Marco Fasoli, University of Rome “La Sapienza”
Emiliano Ippoliti, University of Rome “La Sapienza”
Luca Tummolini, Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, CNR, Rome
Scientific Committee
Giulia Andrighetto, ISTC-CNR, Rome
Fausto Caruana, IN-CNR, Parma
Tatiana Celadin, University of Bologna
Gustavo Cevolani, IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca
Edoardo Datteri, University of Milano-Bicocca
Marco Fasoli, University of Rome La Sapienza
Arianna Pavone, University of Pisa
Pietro Perconti, University of Messina
Stefania Pighin, University of Trento
Alessio Plebe, University of Messina
Antonella Tramacere, University of Rome “Roma Tre”
Luca Tummolini, ISTC-CNR, Rome